Sunday, October 11, 2009

Nobel Peace Prize Candidates

Many of you probably heard that our President, Barack Obama, won the Nobel Peace Prize this week. While I believe President Obama is a good man and a well-intentioned man, and I do not disagree with all of his policies/ideologies, it has nevertheless been a struggle for me to understand why he would merit such an award. In the process of thinking about what kind of qualifications someone actually needs to win the Nobel Peace Prize, it occurred to me that a few other very worthy candidates were perhaps overlooked. I will list them for you.

*Beyonce's Music Video. As previously noted by Kanye West AND N. J. Henry, this is one of the best music videos OF ALL TIME! I have read a number of reports that indicate that this video alone is the only thing keeping the states of Louisiana and Mississippi from declaring war on each other.

*The Snuggie. Now available in leopard and zebra print. What is more peaceful than a blanket with sleeves?

*twitter. It has been clinically proven that people who tweet regularly are less likely to respond to everyday situations with physical aggression.

*The late Michael Jackson. Though his morals and character were clearly suspect, this man brought the world together upon his passing. People across the globe laid down their weapons, embraced, and shed tears as the news media gushed about Mr. Jackson's entertainment prowess.

*Dr. Z, Dr. Kevorkian, and Dr. Phil. This triumvirate of physicians have worn out their lives proclaiming peace in their own ways. A more deserving division of doctors never has existed.

Anyone I'm omitting? Please leave a comment to let me know.


16th Ward Mourner said...

What about Dust? Dust is relentless in covering the world with a layer of familiarity, plus humanoids' quest to remove dust distracts us from potential warlike activities, "Hey you want to declare war on a weaker nation-state?" "Nah, I have to dust my apartment."

Marie said...

If I remember right, Dr. Kevorkian was Logan's favorite Apples to Apples card to play. Am I right?

Alex, Chelsea, and Tessa said...

So Jae...I secretly check up on you, but I can't hold my silence any longer. My daughter (she's 2) totally agrees that Beyonce is changing people's lives. So you've got her support. Kudos.

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