Saturday, February 9, 2008


Recently I've been thinking about the way parents often live out their insecurities through their children. You see it a lot with parents who micromanage their children's lives in order to help them "succeed". Sometimes the kids like it, and I guess that works for them. It seems, though, that many of these parents have some deep-seated insecurities that impel them to push their kids' success so they (the parents) can feel validated. I'm concerned when parents act more like their children's promoters than their parents. I hope that when I'm a parent, I'll be secure enough that I won't need to pin my own self-esteem on my kids' level of achievement. I'll help them succeed, obviously, and I'll teach them excellence, but I won't need their successes to build me up. When they succeed, it'll be their success, based on their efforts.

1 comment:

Diana Hulme said...

Jae, when you're a parent, you'll be the best. :) Just that you recognize this is a good sign.

Sure love you, and hope to see you when we visit in March!