Every once in a while, I like to read a book. I try not to make a habit of it, but there comes a point where even espn.com can no longer provide enough intellectual nourishment.
I'm currently in the middle of Team of Rivals, by Doris Kearns Goodwin. It's outstanding, and it falls into the two broad categories of books I typically hit:
1. Harry Potter
2. Historical biographies
This fall I'm taking a Dostoevsky class here at the BYU, so I'll be branching out there a little with brother Fyodor. In the meantime, I'm going to need to do some reading this spring and summer. Given the literary propensities of my reader pool, I figured I'd throw out my first bleg. What summer reading do you suggest for me? I commit to a follow-up post in which I announce my summer reading list.
Thanks for your help.
P.S. If anyone suggests any of the Twilight detritus, I'm unfriending you immediately on facebook.
Some of my recent favorites include:
-A Thousand Splendid Suns, by Khaled Hosseini
-Manhunt: The 12-Day Chase for Lincoln's Killer (nonfiction), by James Swanson
-Mere Christianity, by C.S. Lewis
-Deception Point, by Dan Brown(and of course Angels & Demons and the Da Vinci Code, by the same author)
-The Peacegiver, by James Ferrell
-Les Miserables, by Victor Hugo
-The Golden Compass trilogy, by Philip Pullman
-The Count of Monte Cristo, by Alexandre Dumas
you gots to read the mystborn trilogy. it combines a little harry potter, eragon, lord of the rings and a tad of the book of mormon. i know it sounds a little weird but i promise you won't regret it. do it.
I was given this book as a gift, but I refuse to read it because it is extremely popular with the anti-libertarian crowd. I would suggest you counteract this current trend of populist fiscal chicanery with "Atlas Shrugged."
1) The Mouse and the Motorcycle
2) Maniac McGee
3) James and the Giant Peach
4) "It's Awesome Baby!" the Autobiography of Dick Vitale
5) No No Yes Yes (Bryn's favorite book)
6) The Berenstein Bears (any one will do, they're all classics!)
The hunger games
1. The Artemis Fowl Series. Boy genius, criminal mastermind.
2. The Life of Pi. Either you love it or you hate it. I love it.
3. Atlas Shrugged. Haven't read it yet, but I have enjoyed every other Ayn Rand I have read, why would this be any different? Plus, we need more philosophical conversations in our lives.
4. Ender's Game. You just have to.
I'll think of more later, and I'll fax you the list.
Here are my recommendations:
1.) The Princeton Review LSAT 2009
2.) Blink by Malcom Gladwell
3.) Crime and Punishment. We don't read this one in the Dostoevsky class, but I think it is well worth your time.
4.) The Book of Mormon, at least daily. This one has a particularly great author.
5.) Nickel and Dimed by Barabar Erenreich. (This is a good one if you want to feel rich, or if you want to motivate yourself more toward socialism.)
Is five enough?
6.) Othello just for fun.
The Baseball Card Collection From Downstairs. Just look at the illustrations. They're the best. This is not an actual book however.
The Wheel of Time series.
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