Monday, June 18, 2007

Weekend of July 16-17

The theme of this weekend was Trying to Fit Everything In. Abby Monson was in town for her brother's wedding, so we hung out Saturday night before she enters the MTC on Wednesday. She's headed to the Balkan States Mission, for those of you who don't read the tabloids. This is a psychedelic picture she took of the DC temple coming down from Maryland. Since we got lost taking her sister Rachel to a friend's house in Maryland after the wedding dinner, we got to spend several hours in the car with Tammy. At some points, things got a little desperate. The picture on the right is of me coming in second place in our Who Can Sing the Highest Contest. I was only about one and a half steps lower than her, and I'm a bass. After all was said and done, and we'd finally found her hotel and said our goodbyes, it was five a.m. when I rolled back into Manassas.

The best part was, I was teaching Sunday School and directing the choir at Church that day! Luckily, the Lord magnifies us, and everything went well. I doubt any of our Union Mill Ward Choir members check the blog, but if any of you are reading, you are stallions. Things are sounding so good, despite the ineptitude of the director. We'll be singing I Know That My Redeemer Lives on Sunday, and I'm so excited for it. Overall, it was a memorable weekend.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Silence is not the same as Death

Many of you have speculated as to whether Tyler and I are dead, or worse, not selling. Both rumors are false. We are here in Manassas, VA, existing and selling pest control. We don't really have time to do anything other than sell pest control and exist. I should probably stop saying "we", since we're already spending way too much time together, and there's been some concern that we're becoming a missionary companionship or a common-law marriage. The picture, by the way, is one Megan took of us at the Waffle House in Cookeville, Tennessee (it's in The South). Waffle House is probably the best example of southern culture that I know of. It was there that I tried grits for the first time (they were good, just a little too buttery) and I also learned about the phrase "youns". I would recommend that particular Waffle House as a priority destination on any trip through the South/East. That's the update for now. More will follow, because we're not dead.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

In the Beginning

Since we know that so many of you have been anxiously asking yourselves, "How can my life go on without Tyler and Jae now that the semester's over?", we've decided to create this blog to keep you posted on our summer adventures. The adventure begins Saturday morning, April 28, 2007, as Jae embarks from Sandy to pick up Tyler in Casper and launch The Great American Road Trip. We invite you to follow our progress as we journey to Northern Virginia and provide invaluable pest control service to the people there. Your comments are most welcome.